Student-Parent/Family Support

When you join the EKU family, you're own family is supported too. Our campus is proud to host the Eastern Scholar House from Kentucky River Foothills in addition to our own services from the Center for Student Parents.

Eastern Scholar House

The Eastern Scholar House is an opportunity for on-campus family housing. Their services do not stop with a place to stay, but they also include wrap-around services to support your own educational attainment in addition to childcare and more. Learn more through our Kentucky River Foothills partnership by contacting Jackie Dean:

Center for Student Parents

The Center for Student Parents is a service to EKU students with children/dependents. This resource will provide guided support as student-parents navigate issues of admission, financial aid, childcare, transportation, and community housing. Learn more by contacting the Director of the Center for Student Parents, Robyn Moreland: | 859-622-6684.